
In a world full of compromise, we escape by visiting the one place that doesn’t; the ocean. Yet when we get there, we are forced to compromise. Not any more…

Designed, built and tested to perform in all conditions, the POSEIDON SE7EN is the next generation rebreather. Safety, performance, ease of use and desirability are combined to enable divers of all abilities to experience the underwater world without compromise.

Whether you want to get closer to marine life, spend much more time underwater, dive deeper or simply enjoy the bubble-free silence, the POSEIDON SE7EN is the smartest, fastest, safest way to dive.

The POSEIDON SE7EN – one day, all rebreathers will be like it.

Inspired to develop and raise rebreather instructors to the highest educational quality level worldwide

International education of sport divers, technical divers, freedivers and professional divers as well as emergency first response for divers all based on standards of Poseidon, ProNRC, SDI, TDI, ERDI, PFI and FRTI.

NRC International has managed to become a well-known corporation regarding Nitrox within a few decades.

We have a worldwide leading position and are known as a partner for perfect solutions in the production of Nitrox. You can find NRC International Nitrox Membrane Systems, for a safe and economic production of Nitrox up to Nitrox 40. We offer Oxygen Analysers, Nitrox Membrane Systems, Oxygen Sensors, Compressors, Boosters, ENOS (Electronic Rescue and Locating System), MOBOS (Man Over Board Locating System) and ProNRC teaching in the greatest dive areas all over the world.

The quality and economic efficiency of the NRC International Nitrox Membrane Systems is outstanding and the reliability unrivaled. The complete product range of the NRC gaslogistic has an industrial quality and satisfies highest demands. It is future-proof and can be used in permanent operation. Our systems have proved themselves even in far-flung distinctions.

A technique you can rely on!

In 2003 the company Seareq was founded in Germany by Karl Hansmann. Since this time he and his team unconditionally follow the motto SAFETY FIRST!

It began in the diving market, with the Electronic Rescue and Locating System ENOS.
Since 2004 the worldwide unique GPS supported rescue system locates reliable divers who became swept away by currents or were forgotten in the open sea.
The crews of ENOS-Boats never had to search for the persons in need and missed divers never had to wait a long time until they became rescued!
All rescue operations were managed on one’s own responsibility. Without external support from SAR (Search And Rescue) or coast guards, always free of charge and license free and radio certificates (SRC) are not required.

From its humble beginning in 1994 to today, the group of training agencies Scuba Diving International (SDI), Technical Diving International (TDI), and Emergency Response Diving International (ERDI) form one of the largest diving certification agencies in the World – International Training.

With 26 Regional Offices servicing more than 100 countries, the company today far exceeds the original vision the founders had when they conceived the idea on a napkin, sitting at a kitchen table in the early 1990’s.

Dock29 baut unter dem Namen «WeiBo» einzigartige Holzboote für Fluss, See und Meer. Dabei kommen je nach Bedarf und Geschmack verschiedene Holzsorten von Lärchenholz bis zu Mahagoni zum Einsatz. Die spezielle Form macht das WeiBo sehr vielseitg. Es vereint die traditionelle Fährbootsform mit Luxus und Eleganz.

For solutions to your individual needs in medical technology, diving systems and tunnel construction, let our specialists be your competent partners.

You can rely on our decades of professional experience.

ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organization with a membership of 164 national standards bodies.

Through its members, it brings together experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market relevant International Standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges.

You’ll find our Central Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland.

Scubatech Co. Ltd. was established in 2002 by experienced instructors and technical divers.

We started distributing a wide range of scuba gear our newly created brand – SCUBATECH as well as multiple famous brands such as Sitech, Ocean Reef, Pinaccle, DUI, Faber, Eurocylinder, Luxfer, McNett, Innobeam, Saekodivea.

In parallel, our designers kept working on a completely new range of products that would redefine scuba diving equipment…

The innovative design of the SEACRAFT scooter ensures high levels of safety and comfort for all divers. The patented immersed motor is more durable than traditional solutions and effectively eliminates the risk of overheating and flooding of the scooter. The motor, combined with other elements of the drive unit, provide high efficiency, longer distances and dive times. The double-sided steering handle mounted on the scooter allows ergonomic two-handed control and a wide range of smooth speed control. The on-board graphic display computer with multiple parameter configurations and reverse gear available on select models, allows for comfortable and safe use by the most demanding divers, both recreational and technical. The scooter is also available in versions for military and rescue operations.